Sunday, February 6, 2011

A song that defines a generation

Young boy, listen to that beat bang at the background, while they talk about that girl, stripping for dollars and respect, getting neither in the long run of things, but thats fine. And when the slow piano piece comes in and we regret everything we perpetuated with the previous action, the people around me, they drop the liters on the floor, watching that golden fountain spurt outward, lacing the ground with some sort of sacred connotation.
Its all beautiful to me, in some fucked up way because when you're now looking from a distance, watching the clashing chord symphony play before your eyes, you can finally figure things out. Clarity is a beautiful thing, thus the whole ordeal becomes beautiful in an existential way. But all of that is just flowery prose, dressed up for the intellectuals and so I write about the vivid memories of being inside the fray, feeling the world around me begin to deteriorate from the very talents that were sent to save them.

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