Sunday, September 15, 2013

Cardboard cut out

I'm a lackluster cardboard cut out
with a hastily etched crooked smile
And I'm up for sale
Please purchase me so I can be designated value
Then you'll look at me whenever you want to laugh
I won't ever change, I'll remain static
there will be times where you forget I'm there
So I fall into the crevice behind your bed
where I will become bent and deformed
But my already imperfect smile will never subside
One day you'll no longer need me
So you'll throw me out
That's fine, us cardboard cutouts are recyclable.

Where we are prim and pressed together.
One giant conglomerate of  cardboard
Put through that wretched machinery
that cuts us out into our misshapen forms
And then you come and buy us
scissor in hand and puncture a smile in our face
as if you were Joker himself, your scissor cupid's arrow
And we love you, as no one else loves
We have no choice, we have been purchased
For if we were to deny your ownership
then what are we worth?

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