Friday, December 27, 2013

I ain't bitter

I ain't bitter, only sad. A man who no longer wanted to fight
Forced to wilt as you grabbed onto my stem, ignoring the bulb
instead you gripped tightly and as your blood slowly streamed downward
you smiled straight into my eyes, my abdomen was crushed, but I smiled as well.

I ain't angry, only disappointed. A man who's voice gave out right before the duet
So you went into a perpetual solo, I sang background and held alto notes
and as I gasped for air, you persisted in your merriment
I am the merry-man who moaned into oblivion, fixedly asphyxiated

I ain't vengeful, only exhausted. A man who's vigor has faded
Yet your magnum iter was clear. I continued an ox pushing a cart
And as I grew tired, my limbs buckling under your load
You began to plan my consumption, dark meat and all.

You are cold. You are disheartening. You are disloyal.
You are regretful. You are selfish. You are delusional.
You are despicable. You are pitiful. You are pathetic.
Now you may call me bitter. But now I'm better.

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